Mix of old and new Fraggle Stick Car: blah blah blah
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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm an English expat constantly struggling to be understood in a different country. I work in the cut throat world trying to bring "YARRR" and "Ne'er-Do-Well" into regular conversation My swear word of choice is Stink Nugget. I'm a yarn snob.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

blah blah blah

Here are a few quick picks of my new Elspeth bolero thingy from Rowan mag #37. It reminds me of something that would cost $150 at Anthropologie...

I made the 1st 4 or 5 rows 3 times before I figured out what the hell was going on (with much help from J (f) of J and J fame).

Word of warning - if you are making the small size pattern - don't do any of the increase / decrease pattern stiches if they are split by the stupid size line - just ignore it. If you do, you'll end up with extra stitches very quickly, which will balls up the design nicely.

btw - color is less "lime" more "celery" or something...

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