Mix of old and new Fraggle Stick Car: Home made shit
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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm an English expat constantly struggling to be understood in a different country. I work in the cut throat world trying to bring "YARRR" and "Ne'er-Do-Well" into regular conversation My swear word of choice is Stink Nugget. I'm a yarn snob.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Home made shit

A new obsession looms...

I'm now in love with home made yarns and clothes and stuff. I bought this yarn from Knit Pixie, that reminded my of my Sis's hair. I was thinking about knitting her a wig, but decided to make a bag out of it instead.

Now... I also found this site that I think is awesome and something that I could do if I wasn't so lazy, and I think S's sis A would like as well.

Comments on "Home made shit"


Blogger smallerdemon said ... (8:07 AM) : 

Very cool. Maybe you can coerce Jenn into spinning you some. ;)

She gave some beautiful stuff to our friend Tiffany this past weekend while we were in Alabama for her high school reunion.


Blogger s said ... (4:10 PM) : 

Do you guys have a Sheep?


Blogger smallerdemon said ... (10:09 PM) : 

Sadly, no sheep. But we do have a spinning wheel.


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