Mix of old and new Fraggle Stick Car: Back from E3 - pt 1
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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm an English expat constantly struggling to be understood in a different country. I work in the cut throat world trying to bring "YARRR" and "Ne'er-Do-Well" into regular conversation My swear word of choice is Stink Nugget. I'm a yarn snob.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Back from E3 - pt 1

So... got back from E3. I survived.

It was hot, hectic, and I've decided I'm getting rather too old for all the fuss.

I've just uploaded the photos of the trip - and I've realized they fall into 3 distinct categories:-
1. Utterly useless and random.
2. WALLace GUYford tribute
3. PS3 fandom (though I'm not too sure why)

So I'm posting my photos with the above distinctions.

1st, I present... utterly useless and random.

Pretty picture of the hotel

The jerky boy preparing

We heart Katamari blob.

This was probably the best thing on the show floor, and yes, that does speak a lot about what I thought of thi year's show. You could basically take random shit up to the Katamari area, and some nice little chap would glue gun it to a huge pile of shit.

I wanted to add some Shaba poker chips, which were more inventive than the blow up nerd swords, business cards or crushed Starbucks cups that some dullards had added. But the chap was never around when I went passed.

Comments on "Back from E3 - pt 1"


Blogger Michael said ... (7:16 AM) : 

That is some tasty looking jerky.


Blogger FranklinMinty said ... (5:17 PM) : 

... and he had 1/2 a pound of it...


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