Mix of old and new Fraggle Stick Car: It is better to be born lucky than rich...
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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm an English expat constantly struggling to be understood in a different country. I work in the cut throat world trying to bring "YARRR" and "Ne'er-Do-Well" into regular conversation My swear word of choice is Stink Nugget. I'm a yarn snob.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

It is better to be born lucky than rich...

It has been a lucky year so far. I'm not talking about big work stress times, I'm talking about winning shit.

My Granma Granma always tells me it is better to be born lucky than rich, and she's right, of course. S and I have had a fairly productive year as far as winning things are concerned.

I guess it all started at Christmas time, when I was unable to return to the bosom of my family at holiday time due to tiresome INS regulations. So, denied as I was from celebrating English stylee, I spent a brief week in Florida with S and his gracious folks - who were willing to spend their time with me in tow. On one of the days, we went to the newly opened Hard Rock Casino to gamble our little hearts away.

I've never been one for those kind of odds, but I was more than willing to be cheerleader for the boys as they boldly entered the Hold Em tournaments. A few hours later, and S (a novice at this kind of thing) walks proudly away from the table with a fistful of bills, and newly found confidence and satisfaction at beating the pros.

So that started it all.

Fast forward a few months to mid March - picture the scene, the last 3 months of my life had been spent at work, and I was enjoying some "time off" by cramming in as many "would be boring to many people" tutorials at a recent trade conference. People laughed as I told them I was going to sit and listen to J Allard spout his latest marketing key words. They were later choking when I told them I'd walked away with one of these suckers. Aparently that shiny piece of gadgetery is not for the slim of wallet. Score 2

The tales of good luck continue... Last week, I dragged S along to a corporate party type affair, that I really had no business attending, but there was the promise of a few free cocktails, some yummy nibbles and raising hell at a posh new SF hotel. A couple of hours later, S had walked out with flights and a weekend in a swanky hotel for 2 in Seattle. Neither of us have ever been, but he's already planning which candles to light outside of Kurt's house, and I'm thinking of coffee... or something.

That's all so far, but the year is still young. I'm hoping my next bout with luck will be finding out a time when I can see my folks. I miss them :( It's my mama's birthday rapidly approaching, followed hot on its tail by Granma Granma's day too. *sigh*

As my dear friend C would say


Comments on "It is better to be born lucky than rich..."


Blogger s said ... (6:24 PM) : 

Your luck rules! Hopefully it'll carry over into all these publisher-clearing-house-like prizes american express keeps saying I have a chance in...


Blogger FranklinMinty said ... (10:50 PM) : 

Well... I think its officially "our" luck at this point. Unless it is just contingent on "me being there"


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